Friday, April 9, 2021

Day 89: A Short Blog, a Birthday and a Goal Unexpectedly Shattered...

Short blog before the final day... April 9 just happens to mark my emergence from the vagina and I have been busy chilling out since exercise time this morning... Well, actually, I did my 1/2 Murph, plank and Pull-up Challenge this morning, went on an adventure and then did P90X3 Pilates, yoga and meditation this afternoon... I fed myself Better Bowls for lunch and got an extra one for dinner so today has been a pretty damned good day...

Just to give you an idea of how old I am, I have been alive for 20,454 days... I have traveled in space 5,205,525,192 miles circling the sun... That a long time and quite a few miles... Not tired yet...

Now... My goal shattering adventure... When I started this journey back in January, I weighed 168 pounds and a little over 18% body fat... My goal was 13.5% and whatever weight I happened to land on... I had to go to REV Nutrition today but I didn't want to step on the BodyScan analyzer because I was pretty sure I didn't make my goal... For the last two scans, I was stuck in the 14% range and I was resigned to the fact that I wasn't going to make it... 

So the guy behind the counter sold me my BCAA's and then asked me if I was going to weigh in... I said no because it was my birthday and I didn't want that bad news today, I would be back tomorrow morning... He bet me that I had made my goal and said if I was under 14% he would give me two         t-shirts... 

Who is going to pass up the chance for two free t-shirts?

Shoes off, keys, phone and wallet out... I stepped on the scale and watched that  scale rise, then slow, then stop on 165.0 pounds... Two pounds heavier than two weeks ago and I steeled myself for my disappointment... The the Body Fat Percentage meter started a meteoric rise, slowed, slower, slower and it stopped... At 13.4%... I stared at that screen for a long time... Then two two t-shirts wrapped around my head and a voice said, "I fucking told you!" and I was blown away... I wanted to rip my shirt off and run around the store but I wasn't wearing a sports bra, so I controlled myself... A little women's soccer joke there if you didn't catch it...

Now that may not sound as exciting to you as it was to me, but I made an impossible goal and then I made it happen... Dropping 4% body fat is hard... Really hard... So a bunch of little goals turned into a big achievement and now I am ready to conquer more... Shit, I felt ten feet tall and bulletproof there for a bit...Then I went out to the truck and I cried because I'm proud of me... That made my birthday pretty fucking cool... The bod fat thing, not the crying... All my hard work has paid of and I am going to rest for a week and plan my next attack... By rest, I mean finish up my last week of this P90X3 cycle, my Plank Challenge and my Pull-up Challenge and eat some tofu because I missed it... Then next week on the 12th I am going to start another 90 Day Life Change Challenge with three more months of extreme exercise, writing, mediation, yoga and some more nonsensical challenges...I am one day from the top of this mountain and I have done everything I said and gained more than I could have possibly imagined... The one thing I doubted, I beat that today... So when I top the mountain in the morning, I'm just going to look around and find a higher mountain... Call me an overachiever, I know...

So Happy Birthday to me... Today, I fucking rule the world... But please don't tell anyone I cried... 

Tomorrow I finish the 90 and that last blog... You're gonna miss me when I'm gone...

Love you like a vegan loves tofu... See you tomorrow...


  1. Congratulations, that is quite an accomplishment. You are a Bad Ass. You go Bob. You are an inspiration.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB AND CONGRATS! You inspire more than than you'll ever know!

    1. Thank you so much... Hearing that inspires me more you will ever know... Reciprocal inspiration, the perfect perpetual motion machine... Thanks for the read and the comment!
