Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Day 24: The Miracle of Now... The Pivot Point of Endless Possibilities...

Today is my 24th Day of sobriety, exercise, meditation and guitar practice…  Today is the 24th day in a row that I have posted a blog… Today it is your turn to make yourself think… So take just a second of your day and:

1. Take a long and deep breath…

2. Think about someone who makes you smile…

3. Think about someone who gives you strength…

4. Think about someone who needs your help…

5. Be thankful for something…

Finally…Think about how much you ignore the moment of “now” in your life. Why are you always thinking about what happened, what’s going to happen and what could happen while totally ignoring what IS happening? I call it “the miracle of now” because really, life is a miracle and constantly ignoring a miracle makes it seem mundane and believe me, being alive isn’t mundane at all… Think about your existence, not your life, not your experience, but the very fact that you exist in a vast and empty universe and if that doesn’t cause you to stop and be thankful, you’re not doing it right. You have the opportunity to be kind, to help another, to learn and to leave something for the ones who will come after you. So if you are sitting on the couch watching endless television in the face of so much opportunity, then perhaps you might want to rethink that… Get off the couch because you have probably already seen the show you are binge watching anyway and if you haven’t seeing it through until the end it won’t be satisfying anyway and you already know that... 


So stop what you are doing… Just for a minute stop and feel, think and experience the right now of your life… The possibilities of your life are endless but they all originate from the right now, so explore it for a minute...

Love you all, I really mean it…

See you tomorrow…

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