I struggled this morning to find the words to that were on my heart... I am finding that getting older is a constant reminder that I am mortal... Perhaps that is why I rage against it so vehemently... Anyway... I wrote this poem over the weekend and I while it does convey what I am trying to say, it still falls short of the words I would like to find... The poem is called "seconds... a reminder..."
nothing changes
but time
- b perrine
Seems like every day of our lives we are driven by the clock to perform like circus animals... "Be there in a few seconds!" we say to people who are waiting... A minute in the microwave re-heats our coffee... An hour here, an hour there.... We count days to the weekend, tick off the weeks of a month and suddenly its our birthday again... The months turn into years, the years into decades and only a lucky few will see a century... That's why I put death before century... Before we got here, the millennia followed us and will continue without us...
Eternity is not something that will eventually happen, it's happening now... Just like your life is happening... Right now...
I wanted to remind everyone that we are not eternal, in this life life anyway... So get to work, find what you love and do that... Find who you love and tell them... Appreciate this life, give it all ya got... You fucking saving it for something else?
The 90 Day Life Change Challenge update... One of those fantastic mornings when you my body, and spirit were firing on all cylinders... You might find find today's post a little morbid but look past the finality of all of this and maybe you can see the beauty in our limited time... After all, if you study literature, movies and philosophy you will find that creatures that live forever are the most miserable beings in existence... Everything grows tired of of experience... Live your life so that when the time does come, you can smile because you thrived... No one wants to tumble into that void with their last thought being "wait, I didn't fully live!!"
I love you all like Karen loves to ask for the manager.. Have a beautiful day and don't forget that clock is already running, if you aren't trying to figure out what makes you happy and doing it, I suggest you get started...
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