Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Day 79: The Reason You Don't Have What You Want is You Don't Really Want It...

Get a piece of paper and a pencil of a pen... There won't be a test, but there will be action step...

We have discussed this before... Let's talk about it again... The time is running out on the daily blog that goes with the 90 Day Life Change Challenge and more importantly, the time is ticking away on your life...

 Time to take action... Don't you think?

Lets talk about the title of this blog for a second... Imagine you aren't reading this, imagine someone just blatantly said it to your face... Would you be angry? Let me state it again...

The reason you don't have what you want is you don't really want it...

That stings a little, especially if the person who said it to you is someone you respect... Someone you like... The funny part is that it would only sting if it were true... 

Now, let's dissect that...

What are your goals? Have you listed them? If you don't have a list of goals with a plan to get them then you don't really want them...

What time did you get up this morning? 

Snooze button? Slept in late? Running late all morning? Then you aren't interested in anything but sleep...

This is not rocket science folks... In order to do something as simple as cooking a meal, you need a plan... You need to decide what you want, check to see how it is prepared, check your cabinets and refrigerator to see what ingredients you have and the ingredients you need... Then you need to go to the store, buy the things to prepare the meal and then make the meal...

You cannot even make a single meal without a complex plan to make it happen... So what makes you think you can do something as complicated and time consuming as making a life change by sitting around, sorta, kinda thinking about it, not making a solid plan and never actually acting on it?

This last 90 days has changed me in ways you cannot imagine... I fucked off for twenty years carrying around a guitar and playing three or four chords and saying to myself, I want to play better but that's all I did, said it... I didn't practice, I didn't study, didn't learn anything new, played the same sad four strum patterns and generally didn't really want it... Thanks to massive effort, never missing a practice session and getting a mentor, tonight I sat down, went through the 14 chords I know, did some pick patterns and made up some shit because it made me happy... I stopped saying "I want to..." and started doing... Huge difference in a very short time...

Can I let you in on a little secret? It ain't gonna happen if you don't try... You cannot accidentally improve your life and if you do, its akin to winning the lottery... I would have never woken up one morning as a guitar player... It took focus and effort...

Now get your paper and pencil out... Take five minutes, right now and think about a single goal that you have and write it down... Might be something you have been kinda planning for a long time... Maybe it's a new goal... Whatever it is, put pen or pencil to paper and write it down...

I will wait...

Now that goal is out of your head and on paper... Now, it's real... Take a good, long look at it... Feel it... Read it again, believe it can happen... Put it up on your wall, dash or your vehicle or refrigerator... Might be a little harder to ignore now... Practically speaking, making a plan and writing it down brings it to life. It’s tangible, easily referenced, and provides a sense of accomplishment as you work through the plan. Get a notebook and write "PLAN" on the front of it... Carry it with you... Take notes, make updates, and visit your plan often. Then experience the pure joy that comes with placing a checkmark in an open box or crossing an item off the list that bring you closer to your end goal.

Please remember though, planning is an active and ongoing effort; it is not a one-and-done activity. Keep your plan in an easily accessible place and review it often. Be an active participant in achieving your goals by looking at your plan and making adjustments as needed. At the end of the year, you’ll be able to review everything that happened to make you successful. Where did you start and end, and how will this impact future planning? Ongoing review of your plan will help to ensure you capture all the important details. You may need to revise, adjust and rethink your plan at any stage of the process right up and including the last step!

Short blog because it is a powerful message to consider... Say you want to go back to school, that might look easy to some but for others you may as well announce you're going to the fucking moon... Remember though, in 1969, we did that too when everyone said it couldn't be done... 

Think it through... you really can reach any goal you want to reach... Define, write it down, organize, attack, adjust and keep going... 

You will make it...

The 90 Day Life Change Challenge update... Finished the 5000 Squat / 1000 Push-up Challenge this morning and let me tell you, I'm so glad that is over... Taking on a Pull-up Challenge tomorrow morning because I am a glutton for punishment... I still haven't found the drive I am looking for to finish this but with 12 days to go, every day that goes by I am finding it easier... Almost done and I can definitely see the end of this one and the start of a new 90 Day Life Change Challenge... Never be done... Cross the finish line, catch your breath and start planning the next race... You can rest when you're dead... 

See you tomorrow... Count on it...

Love you like I love getting off early from work... Which I didn't do today, because meeting... Damn it...

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