Friday, March 26, 2021

Day 75... A Milestone, A Malcontent Mindset and Some Advice About Your Balls Gentlemen...

Going to try and kind of free write this... Just to see what happens... Blog was named after writing...

 8:00 PM

Day 75... Fuck yes... Two and a half months ago standing in the shower, I clearly remember making the decision to do this and my first thought was absolute dread... No alcohol, no drugs, no bad food, daily tasks of writing and guitar and a shit load of exercise that would absolutely kill a normal person...

Normal... Right...

Okay, I'm not normal, I know that.. I'm a happy malcontent... Now, because I study philosophy, I can change the definition of words at will... It's called "philosophical license" and it allows me to make up new words and define them or I can take established words and redefine them... Actually, you don't have to study philosophy to do it, it's available to anyone... I just like to say that I study philosophy, it makes me sound very mysterious...

So when I say that I am a happy malcontent, I don't mean that I am grouchy, I mean that although I am happy, I am not content with my life in any way, shape or form. I'm always searching for the next challenge, the next book, the next piece or art, the next musical instrument to learn,.. My bucket list looks like a grocery list for a family of ten... There is so much shit on there I will never be able to complete it... Then again, every time I take something off, I add two more so at this rate I will die with a long ass list in my pocket... It has doable shit like "Learn Italian" and several of those probably not items like "orbit the earth and be weightless" but with Elon Musk in charge of commercial space travel, you never know...

I would like to take a second here and reiterate... I am happy... I like my life because I feel like I am finally in charge of it and the things I am not in charge of, I am allowing myself to ask questions, demand things and figure them out... I heard a great quote today that said, If you can't change something, don't worry about and if you can change something, don't worry about it..." How fucking beautiful is that? So I am happy... Yes, of course there are things I am dissatisfied with, but fuck it, I'm working on it... 

But am I content? Oh hell no... Content is satisfied... I am far from satisfied... Fuck that noise... I want to learn Italian, Spanish and maybe some Portuguese... I want to climb Mt. Whitney... Be weightless... I have a list of shit that needs done and if I was satisfied, they wouldn't get done... So happy and content and two different animals... I chase challenges like I used to chase women... Relentlessly... 

No, I am not a stalker, let's make that clear right now...

But listen dudes, This next part of the flow of subconsciousness is for you... Ladies, turn your heads unless you need the info to hand it to someone you know who needs it...

Guys... Let's talk for a second... 

For all you dudes out there crying into your In-n-Out bags, and whining about the lack of sexual contact you're experiencing while surfing the internet I have some real advice for you... Get some new underwear, cut your toenails and for god's sake, trim your shit fellas... Because damn...

It works like this... You walk like you haven't trimmed your shit and your potential suitors can sense it... It's called self confidence... When you trim your shit, you walk like trimmed your shit... So listen, stop whining about how you can't find a date and go into the bathroom, sand the callouses off of your feet, trim your toenails, cut down the genital forest and do some fucking maintenance man, seriously... 

You live in a world where you don't have the confidence you need because you don't take care of yourself... I'm not saying you need to be the quintessential 90's metrosexual but I don't know many people who are attracted to guys with nasty feet and dirty fingernails... So then you get caught in a cycle of "I can't get a date" which leads to you not taking care of yourself, which leads to no one being attracted to you... 

Just to be clear, "I can't get a date" is a direct translation of "I can't get laid..." Let's not quibble here...

8:44 PM  Back to the top for a reread and misspelled word corrections... 

6 minutes later...

Are we clear fellas? Women (Or men, if you swing that way...) don't mind the dad bod, they don't care if you have abs because not a lot of people have abs... They don't care about how intellectual you are or if you're good with memes... What they do want is someone genuine, funny and most of all, someone who has some honest confidence in themselves... How do you get that confidence? Go on Amazon, order new underwear and socks, throw out your old ones, take care of the maintenance I mentioned earlier, especially the 70's bush guys, seriously... Your potential lover might get by the holes in your socks, but you ain't getting anything with stained underwear and a lawn that hasn't been mowed all summer... 

8:59 PM

That was fucking fun... That was a free write from hell right there... I hope you enjoyed it...I certainly did...

The 90 Day Life Change Challenge update... Wow... Today was amazing in the exercise realm... I woke up feeling refreshed, got started a little late and finished up early... My three workouts passed by enjoyably and I was laughing during PilatesX... I am heading into the homestretch and getting ready to start a sprint towards the finish line...

Take care and have a great day... I will see you tomorrow when I will be down to 16 days to go... Damn... That's fucking awesome...

Love you like OJ Simpson loved when that glove didn't fit... We all fucking know he killed those people...


  1. Great read, shared it with my wife not sure if she enjoyed it as much as I did. But then again she is not feeling well today so that's okay. Thanks again Bob

    1. Thanks for the read and the share... hope she gets to feeling better... I appreciate the support!
